A group of men standing next to each other.

John Damberg Latin Jazz Quintet 2/1/24 Soldotna, AK

The John Damberg Latin Jazz Quintet New Originals Spring Concert presents a mix of new compositions featured on their new Happy Dance and Change in Time CDs. The Ensemble’s original sound features an exotic melodic blend of the John Damberg’s lush vibes & marimba, Mark Manners classical & jazz guitars, and Karl Pasch’s woody clarinet mixed with Bob Andrews’ funky bass, and Alaska’s drum set Tour de Force Eiden Pospisil. The Quintet presents fresh, new musical landscapes for Alaskans to enjoy. Their mission is to create new jazz compositions and re-discover the music of the Latin Jazz Icons of the Caribbean, Central, and South America in performances throughout Alaska and beyond.

7- 9 p.m. March 23, 2024
Recital Hall UAA Fine Arts Building
3700 Alumni Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508
Admission: $25-Adults, $15-students, seniors, military
Advance tickets available https://www.eventbrite.com/e/john-damberg-latin-jazz-quintet-new-originals-spring-concert-tickets-856594456077
Tickets may also be purchased at the door after 6 p.m. on March 23, 2024

This concert is made possible with funding by Rasmuson Foundation through the Harper Arts Touring Fund, and is administered by the Alaska State Council on the Arts. It is sponsored by the AJW as part of the 2024 Jazz Outreach Tour to Alaska communities including Soldotna, Valdez, Cordova, and Anchorage.

A blue and white logo of the asmuso foundation.A red deer and two horns are sitting on the word council.