May 20, 2023 AK Jazz Workshop Student Concert

May 20, 2023 AK Jazz Workshop Student Concert

May 20, 2023 AK Jazz Workshop Student Concert Featuring 3 AJW Student Jazz Combos Jamming on hot Swing, Latin Jazz, Funk and New Orleans 2nd line grooves Directed by John Damberg and Nick Petumenos 4-6 p.m. Organic Oasis Restaurant 2610 Spenard Road, Anchorage, AK...
October 9, 2022 Tom Bargelski Jazz Quartet

October 9, 2022 Tom Bargelski Jazz Quartet

Tom presents an eclectic mix of Jazz Standards from the American song book. For 30+ years, Tom continues to be a much admired, esteemed, treasured fixture of the Anchorage music scene. He is an exciting performer and “in-demand” music teacher. Come join...